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Looking for active investors and influential business partners? CampaignLake is the right place for you! With our investors database, connect with more than 513,000 top investment partners who are more likely to invest in your business.
We have an extensive database of angel investors, venture capitalists, pre-seed investors and other investment partners that suit your business requirements. Get started today and make impactful connections with leading investors!
Discover the perfect list of private investors based on your needs using our email lists. We offer 100% verified and authentic contact data of a wide range of investors. Here are some key features of our investor email lists:
Gain access to more than 513K angel investors, pre-seed investors, private equity firm partners, venture capitalists, and other net-worthy investment partners using our database.
Our investors database includes a list of investors grouped by location, business size, investor types, revenue and other investment preferences. Our database is customizable based on your requirements.
We perform a 7-tier verification process to verify the data before providing it to our customers. Thus, our database consists of 95% accurate and 100% opt-in profiles.
We guarantee to comply with global privacy standards such as GDPR, EDPS, ACMA, CAN-SPAM, etc.
Investors Email Database | USA Contacts | Global Contacts |
Real Estate Investor Email List | 172,531 | 222,403 |
Venture Capitalists Email List | 157,431 | 290,622 |
Private Equity Investors Email List | 163,522 | 212,873 |
Institutional Investors Email List | 1720 | 2013 |
Family Offices Email List | 4800 | 5840 |
Seed Investors Email List | 65,907 | 119,874 |
Series A/B/C Investors Email List | 304,892 | 328,080 |
Hedge Funds Email List | 1,737 | 1,921 |
Simplify your investors outreach efforts with our investor email lists. Using our lists, you can gain qualified accredited investors leads with ease. Let’s see how to get investors database by following these simple steps:
Get access to the potential list of investors by providing your name, business email, and contact number in the request form.
Our database is categorized by location, industry, and investment preferences to ensure the best fit for your needs.
Still unsure if our investor database is right for you? Try a free sample to see for yourself! Based on your needs, we’ll provide a sample list of investor leads.
This list will help you assess the quality and accuracy of our data before making a purchase.
Our team will send you an invoice based on your criteria. We provide seamless payment options such as PayPal, Credit/Debit cards, Stripe, Bitcoins etc.
After the payment completion, our team starts compiling your investor email list.
Our investors mailing list will be delivered in Excel or .CSV format, ensuring easy integration with any CRM platform.
Using our email lists, start engaging your prospects with personalized emails and boost your capital-raising initiatives effortlessly.
We aim to provide 100% satisfied services to our valued customers. Hence, we not only provide the best solutions but also offer a continuous support team.
If you have any concerns about our investors mailing list, you can contact us anytime via email or the live support feature!
Our BI team uses a 7-tier verification process to ensure the highest quality of investors data. Our 100% verified data is compiled from credible data sources.
Contact Name | Type | Range | Company Name | Location |
![]() | Seed fund | $500K–2M | Laconia | New York, USA |
![]() | Full-time operator | $25K | | California, USA |
![]() | Multi-stage VC | $15M–25M | Third Point Ventures | San Francisco, USA |
![]() | Seed fund | $500K–1M | True Wealth Ventures | San Francisco, USA |
![]() | Multi-stage VC | $300K–1M | SciFi | San Francisco, USA |
Starting from pre-seed investors, angel investors to venture capitalists and much more, you can connect with the key investors who can make critical decisions using our investors list.
With our 10+ segmentation options, you can customize investors email list based on your requirements.
Here are the data attributes included in our investors database:
We compile our investor’s mailing lists from an in-depth network of online public data sources and reputable third-party vendors. This dataset undergoes a 7-tier verification process to gain an up-to-date and accurate investor list. Some of the reliable data sources are listed below:
Gain instant access to the leading investors who can make a real difference for your business using our mailing lists. Here are some of the key advantages of using investors database:
Our investors database consists of verified contacts who are more likely to invest in businesses or projects. Our email lists improve your chances of gaining quality leads.
Streamline the process of finding potential investors using our email lists. These lists can help you save time and resources compared to traditional methods.
With our investor database, you can connect with investment partners who offer more than financial support. Some investors provide strategic advice, industry-specific connections, mentorship and more.
With our investors mailing list, you can identify key investors who bring added value through their connections, experience, and industry knowledge.
Creating an investor database is the best way to keep track of potential investors. With our investor list, get access to in-depth information about investors and drive greater results.
Starting from the list of investors for startups, venture capitalists, and family offices to the angel investors list and much more, we have all types of investor lists. Contact our support team to get an angel investors list free today!
Yes! Our investor email list is 95% accurate, and 100% opt-in, which are from credible sources.
We ensure to use both AI and manual verification processes to verify the investors data. Our investor list consists of up-to-date and accurate data.
We provide investors’ names, industry types, investment preferences, phone numbers, email IDs, social media profiles, company size, revenue, location, etc.
CampaignLake is a leading B2B database provider, delivering top-notch industry-specific data solutions to meet your unique needs. We offer human-verified and up-to-date B2B data to fuel your business growth.