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Reaching your sales quotas and streamlining internal processes are made easier with our customizable industry email lists.
At CampaignLake, we offer an extensive collection of B2B contact data that is segmented based on different industries. Moreover, having access to email lists customized by industry type will help you connect with the right audience and boost conversion rates.
Our email lists are tailored to various industries, such as healthcare, banking, technology, manufacturing, and more, each offering unique outreach opportunities. So, by becoming our data partner, you have a better chance of securing profitable leads from your niche market.
CampaignLake’s industry email lists ensure more efficient prospecting, promising a higher ROI and business growth!
If you are a business owner or marketer who is tired of scavenging on Google, LinkedIn and other free methods to source data for your outreach, you may have already realized how inconsistent and inaccurate the data can be.
Leave the data sourcing to the experts! At CampaignLake, we source our Industry Contact List only from credible sources such as government records, public directories, conference guest lists and more to only include 100% opt-in contacts, following all major data privacy laws on an international scale. Moreover, our industry email list boasts an unmatched 95% data accuracy and 85% email deliverability to ensure your messages never go unseen. Here are some of our most popular industry email database:
12,637,485+ Contacts
1,985,321+ Contacts
10,070,754+ Contacts
3,012,746+ Contacts
1,637,428+ Contacts
CampaignLake specializes in providing B2B business email lists to enable result-driven marketing campaigns across multiple industries. Here are some of the popular categories we offer:
SIC Code | Industry Title | Data Counts – USA |
01 | Agricultural Production – Crops | 221,683 |
02 | Agricultural Production – Livestock and Animal Specialties | 91,158 |
07 | Agricultural Services | 352,968 |
08 | Forestry | 11,179 |
09 | Fishing, Hunting and Trapping | 4,143 |
10 | Metal Mining | 1,251 |
12 | Coal Mining | 1,263 |
13 | Oil and Gas Extraction | 28,190 |
14 | Mining and Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals, Except Fuels | 370,887 |
15 | Building Construction – General Contractors & Operative Builders | 569,738 |
16 | Heavy Construction, Except Building Construction – Contractors | 55,037 |
17 | Construction – Special Trade Contractors | 850,472 |
20 | Food and Kindred Products | 55,024 |
21 | Tobacco Products | 460 |
22 | Textile Mill Products | 11,198 |
23 | Apparel, Finished Prdcts from Fabrics & Similar Materials | 26,164 |
24 | Lumber and Wood Products, Except Furniture | 50,974 |
25 | Furniture and Fixtures | 12,593 |
26 | Paper and Allied Products | 9,679 |
27 | Printing, Publishing and Allied Industries | 96,643 |
28 | Chemicals and Allied Products | 44,810 |
29 | Petroleum Refining and Related Industries | 4,143 |
30 | Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastic Products | 17,976 |
31 | Leather and Leather Products | 4,902 |
32 | Stone, Clay, Glass, and Concrete Products | 22,631 |
33 | Primary Metal Industries | 11,360 |
34 | Fabricated Metal Prdcts, Except Machinery & Transport Eqpmnt | 53,644 |
35 | Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment | 82,016 |
36 | Electronic, Elctrcl Eqpmnt & Cmpnts, Excpt Computer Eqpmnt | 37,027 |
37 | Transportation Equipment | 26,488 |
38 | “Measuring, Analyzing, and Controlling Instruments; Photographic, Medical and Optical Goods; Watches and Clocks” | 33,813 |
39 | Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries | 75,883 |
40 | Railroad Transportation | 2,790 |
41 | Local, Suburban Transit & Interurbn Hgwy Passenger Transport | 56,890 |
42 | Motor Freight Transportation | 321,381 |
43 | United States Postal Service | 22,377 |
44 | Water Transportation | 16,721 |
45 | Transportation by Air | 23,700 |
46 | Pipelines, Except Natural Gas | 1,332 |
47 | Transportation Services | 305,914 |
48 | Communications | 149,810 |
49 | Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services | 84,077 |
50 | Wholesale Trade – Durable Goods | 424,136 |
51 | Wholesale Trade – Nondurable Goods | 281,335 |
52 | Building Matrials, Hrdwr, Garden Supply & Mobile Home Dealrs | 109,047 |
53 | General Merchandise Stores | 60,695 |
54 | Food Stores | 275,970 |
55 | Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations | 289,266 |
56 | Apparel and Accessory Stores | 201,795 |
57 | Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores | 193,197 |
58 | Eating and Drinking Places | 751,765 |
59 | Miscellaneous Retail | 732,322 |
60 | Depository Institutions | 103,890 |
61 | Nondepository Credit Institutions | 65,819 |
62 | Security & Commodity Brokers, Dealers, Exchanges & Services | 109,878 |
63 | Insurance Carriers | 31,720 |
64 | Insurance Agents, Brokers and Service | 214,801 |
65 | Real Estate | 804,208 |
67 | Holding and Other Investment Offices | 320,830 |
70 | Hotels, Rooming Houses, Camps, and Other Lodging Places | 142,386 |
72 | Personal Services | 745,328 |
73 | Business Services | 1,981,066 |
75 | Automotive Repair, Services and Parking | 373,486 |
76 | Miscellaneous Repair Services | 303,697 |
78 | Motion Pictures | 89,607 |
79 | Amusement and Recreation Services | 387,432 |
80 | Health Services | 1,340,879 |
81 | Legal Services | 323,701 |
82 | Educational Services | 371,263 |
83 | Social Services | 410,924 |
84 | Museums, Art Galleries and Botanical and Zoological Gardens | 32,324 |
86 | Membership Organizations | 730,792 |
87 | Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management & Related Svcs | 1,235,326 |
89 | Services, Not Elsewhere Classified | 79,069 |
91 | Executive, Legislative & General Government, Except Finance | 76,915 |
92 | Justice, Public Order and Safety | 82,968 |
93 | Public Finance, Taxation and Monetary Policy | 6,926 |
94 | Administration of Human Resource Programs | 20,408 |
95 | Administration of Environmental Quality and Housing Programs | 29,687 |
96 | Administration of Economic Programs | 25,000 |
97 | National Security and International Affairs | 16,834 |
99 | Nonclassifiable Establishments | 451,665 |
Our comprehensive Industry Mailing Lists offer a variety of features that make us stand out from other B2B data providers in the market.
Experience a data-driven outreach with our Industry-wise Mailing List promising a 95% data accuracy and 85% email deliverability rate to reach out to prospects who perfectly fit your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) with the lowest bounce rates. This is made possible through a rigorous 7-step AI and manual verification process every 45 days.
You don’t have to worry about any legal predicaments as our High Quality Industry List adheres to major international data protection laws such as GDPR, CCPA, ACMA, CAN-SPAM and EDPS.
If you are still hesitant to choose us as your data partner, we completely understand! It is a decision that will affect your business in the long run. That is exactly why we offer a free sample list for you to test the waters before committing to a purchase.
Boost your conversion rates by easily integrating our list with your existing CRM system for improved productivity through effective lead management strategies. This enables you to also implement multi-platform marketing campaigns such as email marketing, snail mail marketing, cold calling and social media advertising to promote your products/services.
Why wait? Simply fill in the form and get your personalized quote now to start forming valuable partnerships and to expand your business network, today.
Companies that have partnered with us have come back for more! Our accurate Industry Mailing Lists and Email Lists boosts customer engagement rates to a whole new level.
Our Industry Wise Email List boasts an unmatched 95% data accuracy and 85% email deliverability rate to ensure your messages don’t go unnoticed by your ideal customers.
You can simply specify the industry you want to target according to your marketing goals and other specific details like company size, technology used, location and more to define a comprehensive email list of contacts who perfectly match your ICP.
We update our database every 45 days using a strict 7-tier verification process involving thorough AI and manual checks to ensure the contact information is up to date and relevant for all your marketing needs.
Depending on the complexity of the data requirements, our team will put together your customized email list in 3-4 business days. The list is provided in CRM compatible formats such as .csv or .xls.
CampaignLake is a leading B2B database provider, delivering top-notch industry-specific data solutions to meet your unique needs. We offer human-verified and up-to-date B2B data to fuel your business growth.